Data Imports

Data Imports allows end-users to easily import data from an Excel sheet into another app or service. No coding or Workflow design is required to use this feature.

1. Creating a Template

Under Data Imports in the menu, choose Create a Template.

  • Select the app or service you'd like to import into
  • Select the template you would like to use (type part of the name to filter the list quickly)
  • If any of the template fields are tables, a Change field selection and remove any fields you don't want to include
  • Click Generate Template
  • A spreadsheet template will be generated

2. Prepare your Data

Using the spreadsheet that was generated in the step above, populate it with the data that you'd like to import. Here are some options for doing that:

  • Hand-capture the data if you're just using Data Imports as a fast form of data entry
  • Copy and Paste from your source spreadsheet into the Data Imports template
  • Record an Excel Macro that manipulates your source spreadsheet to the layout shown in the template

3. Set up a Connection to your App or Service

  • Click the Connections option in the main menu and Add a new Connection (+ button at the bottom of the screen
  • Provide a name for the Connection
  • Click the Click to select option under the Node label, filter for the app or service you want to connect to, then select it
  • Provide the relevant Connection details - typically a username and password or API key
  • If you are connecting to an on-premise app or service (i.e. one that is installed on your own server), you will need to use a DropPoint to enable Flowgear to access it.
  • If you are unsure of the details to provide, check the help article for the Node (click the ? button at the bottom of the screen).
  • Click the Play button to test the Connection
  • Click the Save button to save the Connection

4. Import your Data

  • Under the Data Imports option in the menu, choose Import a Template
  • Select one of the Connections you set up in the step 3
  • Upload the spreadsheet containing the data you prepared in step 2
  • Click the Import button
  • Review the results (presented on-screen and as a downloadable spreadsheet)
  • If you are presented with an error message, correct the error in the data and try again