2023 Refresh Behavior Changes

This article outlines functional changes to the platform that may affect users migrated from the legacy platform.

For broader information about the 2023 Refresh, see 2023 Refresh Platform overview

Designing Workflows & describing changes

When designing a Workflow in the legacy platform, the Workflow was saved each time a user clicked Run Workflow.

One consequence of this approach is that Workflow Revisions often contain only very minor changes.

In the new platform, we wanted to bring the design experience more in line with how software is built. Specifically, users should be able to run a Workflow multiple times and only save a Revision once a change has been fully implemented.

For this reason, running a Workflow in the new platform does not save a Workflow Revision - instead that Revision is injected directly into the runtime. This also means Workflows launch faster from the Designer.

Because users will only save a Workflow Revision once a change has been fully implemented, a "describe your changes" popup displays when clicking Save. We strongly recommend describing your changes but if you'd prefer, you can also press Return or click Ok to save the Workflow Revision with an empty description.

Test Environment is default

In the legacy platform, users were defaulted to the Production Environment when opening a Connection. Also, unless Release Management was enabled, users would be defaulted to the Production Environment in the Workflow Designer (in most cases).

This approach discourages use of Test Environments which are a much safer way to build (even without Release Management).

For this reason, we default to the Test (first) Environment in both the Connection and Workflow Designer screens.

We have also removed the On Demand and Run Always Environment setting from the Workflow Settings Pane.

For users who are accustomed to using the Production Environment during design, this change means it is necessary to switch to the Production Environment and then dismiss a warning popup.

Instead, we recommend using the Test Environment in all cases. Wherever possible, create Connections that target test endpoints but if this is not possible, duplicate the endpoint details from the Production Environment into the Test Environment.

Always On Workflows

In the legacy platform, a badge showing Always On for a Workflow meant that the Workflow was configured for Always On and was running.

In the new platform, we distinguish between a Workflow that is configured for Always On and one that is actually running.

We also allow Workflow Always On to be controlled per Environment by toggling the Environments under which the Workflow should be launched for Always On. This setting is configured on the Workflow Landing Pane.

One side-effect of this change is that migrated Workflows may show an Always On badge but not actually be turned on against any Environment. This occurs when Workflows are configured for Always On in the Designer but then never actually turned on in the legacy platform.