Configure Autotask Integration Code

Only applies for the 23 Refresh platform.

This document describes how to set up an Autotask Integration Code which is required to use the Autotask Node.

  1. Log into Autotask

  2. Navigate to Admin > Account Settings & Users.

  1. Expand Resources/Users (HR).

  1. Go to Resources/Users, click 'New API User'.

  1. Fill in the required details.

  2. In the 'Credentials' section. Generate Key and Secret. Keep this safe because this Username and Password needs to be updated in the Connection in Flowgear.

  3. In the 'API Tracking Identifier' section, choose Custom (Internal Integration). This will generate a Tracking Identifier. Provide this to Flowgear to configure the Autotask Node for the Tenant.

  1. Click Save & Close.

  1. Update the Autotask Connection to use these credentials. Provide Flowgear with the Tracking Identifier to configure the Autotask Node for the Tenant.