Self-Service or Professional Service

Decide whether to build it yourself or use our Professional Services team


Flowgear caters for two types of clients - self-service clients (typically software developers who build their own integration workflows) and professional services clients where our team will build out the integrations you need.


If you have a technical background (usually software development), then we recommend you build your own integration workflows.

Begin by certifying via the Flowgear Certification Course on Udemy.

If you would like some help getting started, we also offer a free proof of concept integration where our team will create a basic integration for you. To do that, we need the following:

  • Reach out to us over Chat to request a specific integration. Tell us about the type of data you want to integrate as well as the source and target systems. For example "I'd like to integrate orders from WordPress into Sage 100" or "I'd like to integrate inventory pricing from a file on an FTP server into SAP".
  • Set up Connections in Flowgear to your source and target apps
  • Our team will create a basic integration per your description

There are also a number of self-help resources in the Help Center, specifically the New to Flowgear tutorials as well as our Videos and Webinars.

You can also get help on specific Nodes (Connectors) by choosing Help from the Node Header Context menu.

Data Imports

Data Imports enables end-users to easily import data in bulk from a spreadsheet. The Data Imports feature supports most of the Connectors displayed on our Connectors page.

This is a good option to use if you just need basic imports and currently have no automation in place. If you outgrow this feature, you can still use our Professional Services team.

Professional Services

Engage our Professional Services team to build out a solution for you using the Flowgear platform.

Why use Flowgear

Here are some of the key advantages over a hand-coded solution:

  • Our pre-existing Connectors save time building solutions from scratch
  • We keep all our Connectors up to date so you won't need to worry about the solution breaking in future when you upgrade one of your apps
  • The visual Workflow designer enables our team to create complex integrations in a fraction of the time that would be required to hand-code from the ground up
  • Because it's a cloud platform, it's accessible to you from wherever you are
  • Our DropPoint technology enables us to securely connect into on-premise or isolated environments making it unnecessary to set up special networks or firewall rules
  • Our Workflow Logs ensure you always have a view of what's happened historically
  • Our workflows can be fired up on-demand by users (Run Now), automated with triggers (Always On) or activated by other apps via our API

How to engage our Professional Services team

  • Pop us a message over Chat providing a basic summary of what you'd like to do.
  • We'll set up a time for a call to discuss in more detail
  • Using the information obtained on the call, we provide you with a proposal including deliverables, timeframe and pricing
  • On acceptance, our team builds your solution using an iterative approach where you'll be able to review the solution as it progresses