
Replaces matching sections of Expression with the text specified in the custom properties. Also apply escaping if required.



Type: Multiline Text Input
Expression containing text to be formatted.


Type: List Input
segment - for example between slashes or as the key or value part of a querystring

None - Indicates that the value(s) in the custom properties must not be escaped.
SQL - Indicates that the value(s) in the custom properties must be escaped for SQL.
XML - Indicates that the value(s) in the custom properties must be escaped for XML.
JSON - Indicates that the value(s) in the custom properties must be escaped for JSON.
Uri - Indicates that the value(s) in the custom properties must be escaped for a Uri. Use this option to escape characters that are not valid anywhere in a URI
UriSegment - Indicates that the value(s) in the custom properties must be escaped for a Uri segment. Use this option to escape characters that are not in a URI


Type: String Output
The resultant expression.


Formatter replaces all the instances of the placeholders in Expression. Support is provided for different types of escaping.

The strings that must be replaced must be in curly braces, and then custom properties must be added to the node by right clicking on the node and select custom properties. The names of the custom properties must match the placeholders in the expression, and is case sensitive.


See Sample Workflow for an example.

See Also
