HTML Render

Help article for the HTML Render node

Revision History Initial Release.



Type: Multiline Text Input
The HTML Template with placeholders for JSON Content to be inserted.


Type: Multiline Text Input
JSON Content that will be inserted into the HTML template based on the corresponding field names.


Type: Multiline Text Output
The generated HTML document after the Content has been inserted.



The Document is generated by using placeholders inside the HTML Template to resolve the JSON Content accordingly.

Placeholders are denoted by double curly braces: {{placeholder}}

Container Attribute

Containers are used to be able to repeat headers and footers if the content needs to be rendered into a PDF using the PDF Render Node. The placeholder would be structured as follows:

{{placeholder container}} html content{{/placeholder}}

A container needs to be specified as an array in the JSON Content, even if there is only a single object within the array.

Only 1 container is allowed per hierarchy depth. In other words you cannot have multiple containers as siblings.

You could also provide a max height and parent for a nested container. This allows that if the nested container surpasses the max height, everything in the specified parent before and after the nested container would be copied. It is required that one of the scalars within the nested container should have a height attribute specified.

{{nestedcontainer container max-height="365px" parent="parentcontainer"}}

Height Attribute

The height attribute is required for one of the scalars when the 'max-height' of its container is set. The height can be fixed or calculated based on the font and width it can take up.

{{placeholder height="10px"}}{{placeholder height="calculated" font-name="Calibri" font-size="10px" width="100px"}}

Format Attribute

The format attribute specifies formats for scalar values and uses the String.Format() method in .NET.

Note that if it is a number format, you would need to specify the value as a number in JSON and not a string.

{{placeholder format="#,##0.00"}}

Using Samples

This Node provides Basic Samples. This Node provides Basic Samples. Use Node Samples to obtain sample requests to get started.

See Also

The PDF Render Node is typically used after the HTML Render Node to render the generated HTML into a PDF.