HubSpot CRM

Interact with the HubSpot REST Based API with Flowgear's branded HubSpot CRM connector.

This document was autogenerated for the HubSpot CRM Node.

Revision History Initial Release



Type: Connection Input
The Connection Property

Type: String
Default is "", alternative base url can be provided if API calls are being routed through somewhere else.

Type: Password
The API Key acts as both an identifier to determine which environment to talk to as well as authentication.

Type: Boolean
When True, the node will consume most API related errors and return a success state (and follow execution) with a Status Code property output, as well as return the contents of the error through the Response property. The Status Code property can then be used to validate and check the web request response. All
other failures (non web request related) will return an error state.


Type: String Input
Populated by a GUID relevant to the selected Sample.


Type: Multiline Text Input
The Request JSON payload, operations that include inserting or updating data in HubSpot will use this.


Type: Multiline Text Output
The Response JSON payload, contains the response received from HubSpot.


Type: String Input
The Response Code as returned by the API server, 200 for success, 500 for error, etc.


Type: String Input
The description of the API call selected through the dynamic samples.


Type: Multiline Text Output
Contains the response headers as received from the API Server.

Custom Inputs

This Node supports Custom Input Properties and the appropriate properties will be added to the Node when a Node Sample is selected. These Properties are resolved into parameters in the URL that is generated for the request. For example, if the operation will query a customer record, the Swagger document may specify the URL template as /customers/{customerId} . In this case, a Custom Property called customerId will be added to the Node when a "get customer" Node Sample is selected.


Instructions on how to create a private app, through which you can obtain an api key, can be found here.