MySQL Query

Executes SQL Queries against a MySQL database and returns the results as an XML Document. Can be run In-Cloud and requires no additional drivers.

Revision History Initial Release, version matched with other SQL* Nodes Added support for authenticating via SSH tunnel Fixed bug on SSH. Changed Node to have the private key in the Connection Fixed a PoolManager exception. Upgraded from .NET Framework 4.6 to .NET Framework 4.8



Type: Connection Input
The Connection Property

Type: String
The name or IP address of the server hosting the Microsoft SQL Server instance. Specify a DropPoint if you need to access a SQL instance that is not Internet-exposed.

Type: String
The name of the database to connect to.

Type: String
The username to be used for the connection.

Type: Password
The SQL password to be used for the connection.

Type: String
The name or IP address of the SSH server.

Type: Number
The port through which to connect to the SSH Server.

Database Port
Type: Number
The port on which the MySQL Database is running.

SSH Username
Type: String
The username with which to authenticate to the SSH Server.

SSH Password
Type: Password
The password with which to authenticate to the SSH Server. Provide either this or the SSH Key File.

SSH KeyFile
Type: String
The contents of the Private Key File that will be used to authenticate to the SSH Server. Provide either this or the SSH Password. If using this, the node must be run on a DropPoint.

Note the SSH.NET library is used, and it does not support the aes256-ctr cipher (Issue)

ssh-keygen -f "C:\temp\sshkey.pem" -p -Z aes256-cbc

SSH KeyFile Pass Phrase
Type: Password
The pass phrase (if any) with which the SSH Key File has been locked.


Type: Multiline Text Input
The SQL Query text.


Type: Xml Output
The dataset returned by executing the query in Query .


Type: Int32 Output
Returns the number of rows returned by executing the SQL query.

Custom Inputs

Add Custom Input Properties to this Node to provide additional SQL Parameters that will be set at runtime. This technique should always be used to execute queries that require input data in order to avoid SQL injection attacks.


Use this Connector to execute queries against a specific MySQL server instance.


See Sample Workflow for an example.

See Also

Microsoft SQL Query
ODBC Query