SOAP Request

Executes a SOAP Request.

Version History Added support for SOAP services that define output parameters Added support for CustomBinding with MTOM or Binary encoding. Also added support for custom HTTP headers Bug Fixes Bug Fixes Support for Web Services that don't generate a service contract with DataMember (or equivalent) attribute decorations on properties. Added System.Data assembly reference to the list of supported references Added support for byte array response data types Added support for endpoints that define multiple services, added support for Client Credentials Added support for System.Xml.Element and System.Data.DataSet responses



Type: Connection InputOutput
The Connection Property

Type: String
The URL to the endpoint.

Type: String
The URL to the WSDL for the endpoint. This is typically the service endpoint with the text ?wsdl appended). If omitted, the Url property will be used to obtain the WSDL.

Type: List

Default - Custom binding will not be used
Binary - Binary encoding will be specified in a custom binding
Mtom - MTOM encoding will be specified in a custom binding. Note that MTOM is only available in Full Trust environments and will therefore the Node must be run through a DropPoint

Type: Boolean
Indicates that all service operation properties should be included rather than only those decorated with DataContract (or equivalent) attributes. Try this option if you are not seeing certain properties in the Node Samples.

Type: String
When the endpoint hosts multiple services, provide the name of the service you want the connection to use. Normally this Property can be left blank. If the endpoint defines multiple services, an error listing the available names will be thrown when attempting to obtain samples or invoke the Node. Place the name of one of these services in this field to enable the Node to target the correct one.

Type: String
The Username to be passed as part of a Client Credential.

Type: String
The Password to be passed as part of a Client Credential.


Type: String Input
The SOAP Action to be performed - see Remarks.


Type: Xml Input
The XML request payload - see Remarks.


Type: Multiline Text Input
Provides a way to set custom HTTP headers on the request. Provide one header per row in the form Header-Name: Value


Type: Xml Output
The XML response payload - see Remarks.


Type: Xml Output
If the SOAP Service defines output parameters, they will be presented here.


The SOAP Request Node permits integration with any SOAP service. Begin by adding the SOAP Request Node and then creating a new Connection for the Node.

Provide the WSDL endpoint in the WsdlUrl property and the endpoint in the Url property, then click the Refresh Metadata button, finally test and save the Connection. The description of the SOAP service will now be stored within Flowgear against the Url you have specified.

Back on the Workflow, the Node Samples list will now contain a list of all transactions supported by the endpoint that was specified. Select the desired sample in order to begin formulating the request.