Twitter Tweet

Twitter is an online social networking and micro-blogging service that enables users to send and read short 140-character text messages, called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Flowgear enables the creation of Tweet to Twitter via the integration platform. This allows you to post a Tweet within a workflow.



Type: Connection Input
Defines the account the Tweet should be sent from. The Twitter uses oAuth which is multi-step, see Remarks for details of how to set up a Connection.

Pin - The Pin supplied as part of the oAuth sequence (see Remarks).
Type: String

AuthorizationUrl - The URL supplied as part of the oAuth sequence (see Remarks).
Type: String

Token - The token required as part of the oAuth sequence (see Remarks).
Type: String

TokenSecret - The secret required as part of the oAuth sequence (see Remarks).
Type: String


Type: String Input
The status property of the tweet as defined at


Tweet/status message may only be 140 characters. Take care not to exceed Twitter's rate limits which are documented at

Setting up a Connection

Twitter uses oAuth which is a multi-step authentication process. Follow these steps to set up the Connection:

  • Create a new Twitter Connection, assign it to the Twitter Node and execute the Workflow.
  • The Node will emit an error containing a URL. Copy the URL.
  • Paste the URL into the AuthorizationUrl Property in the Connection and save the Connection.
  • Paste the URL into a browser and open it.
  • Sign in and click Authorize App.
  • Copy the pin that is displayed and paste it into the Pin Property in the Connection. The Connection should now contain both an AuthorizationUrl and a Token.
  • Save the Connection and run the workflow.
  • Another error will be emitted by the Node, copy the Token and TokenSecret contained in the error message into the respective properties in the Connection.
  • Save the Connection, the Node is now configured for use and will function until the Flowgear Application access is revoked. Applications can be viewed at

See Also