Workflow Logs Pane

The Workflow Logs Pane is accessed from the left-hand menu and also embeds into the Workflow Design Pane when a Workflow is run.

The Workflow Logs Pane presents a list of all Nodes executed including start time, duration, description and Node Properties and their values at the time they executed.

Search & Filter

Once a set of Workflow Log results have been loaded, you can use the Search/Filter component (displays in line with the column headers) to either highlight or filter the results that have been loaded and are on-screen.

Workflow Log Columns & Row Selection

Workflow Logs are divided into two types of columns. The leftmost columns are standard across all Workflow Logs. The rightmost columns are contextualized according to the Workflow Log that is selected.

Click a Workflow Log row to see the Input and Output Properties that are recorded for that row.

Static Workflow Log Columns

Workflow Key and Instance Key

The two coloured circles on the left represent the Workflow Key and Workflow Instance Key respectively. The same color will be used to represent these Keys every time you search the logs making it easy to visually distinguish between different Workflows or different instances of the same Workflow.

Timestamp Columns

The timestamp columns appear below the Search and Filter UI and do not have named column headers.

These columns indicate the date and time at which the Node started to execute as well as the execution time rounded to ms, secs or mins depending on the execution time.

Hover the date/time to see the exact date/time range.

Note that the time shown is always local to the timezone of the computer being used to browse the logs.

Node Columns

The Node columns indicate the icon of the Node and its description. If no description was set on the Node in the Workflow Design, the Node name is shown instead. Hover the Node description section to find the Node name and version that actually executed.

When a child step is executed, the child Nodes are also indented with an appropriate number of bullets so that the logs look like a tree view.

A Node execution is considered to be a child step if it follows a Trigger (e.g. Day Scheduler), an Iterator (e.g. For Each) or is a sub-Workflow Invoke.

Result Columns

The result columns indicate whether the step completed execution successfully. For live logs, an intermediate state may be shown where the step is still executing. For completed steps, either a check or cross will be shown.

Adjacent to status column is the name of the Execution Output that fired. This is empty except for Nodes that have named Execution Outputs (e.g. The If statement has a True and a False Execution Output) or the Node generated an error.

When the Node generated an error, the Error output will fire. To see details of the error, hover or click the Error output.

Property Columns

Properties differ across Nodes so the column headers will show based on the Workflow Log row that is selected.

These columns first list Input Properties and then Output Properties.

Text properties that are larger than about 100KB only be available for download. Properties that are smaller than this will either show inline or be shown in a modal when the property is clicked.

Binary properties or text properties larger than about 100KB will be shown as a download.

Flowgear normally only stores the first 5MB of a large Property and truncates Property values larger than this. When a property has been truncated, you can hover the Property value download label to see the original size.

Note that if you need to store more than 5MB of a Property value, you can force this by connecting the Property to a Variable Bar Property. We recommend using this pattern sparingly as the additional logging will reduce throughput of the Workflow.