Azure Dequeue

Automatically dequeue messages against the specified Azure Queue.

Version History Initial Release



Type: Connection Input

Type: Int32
The interval in seconds at which the queue should be should be queried for new messages

Type: String
The name of the Azure Storage account

Type: Password
The access key to use when accessing the Azure Storage account (shown under the Access Keys pane in the Azure portal)

Type: String
The name of the queue (shown in the Queues pane in the Azure portal)


Type: Multiline Text Output
The content of the message


Type: List Input
The data type for the message

Text - indicates that messages will be regarded as strings
Binary - indicates that messages will be regarded as byte arrays


Use this Node to support asynchronous Workflow patterns. Typically one Workflow will be responsible for accumulating tasks by receiving them from a consumer and loading them on to a queue. A second Workflow will then be responsible for de-queuing these tasks in order to process them asynchronously.

When there are no message in the queue, it will wait for the period specified in the PollInterval property. When there are a list of messages to be de-queued, there will be no delay between the messages until the queue is empty.

This Node leverages the Azure Storage SDK and includes automatic retry.

See Also

Azure Queue
Flowgear Queue