Azure Queue

Enqueue and dequeue tasks against the specified Azure Queue



Type: Connection

Type: String
The name of the Azure Storage account

Type: Password
The access key to use when accessing the Azure Storage account (shown under the Access Keys pane in the Azure portal)

Type: String
The name of the queue (shown in the Queues pane in the Azure portal)


Type: List
The Action Property

Peek - Obtains the topmost message on the queue but does not remove it from the queue
Dequeue - Obtains and removes the topmost message from the queue.
Enqueue - Adds a message to the queue
Modify - Modifies the content of the topmost message on the queue


Type: Object InputOutput
The content of the message.


Type: List Input
The data type for the queue items

Text - indicates that messages will be regarded as strings
Binary - indicates that messages will be regarded as byte arrays


Use this Node to support asynchronous Workflow patterns. Typically one Workflow will be responsible for accumulating tasks by receiving them from a consumer and loading them on to a queue. A second Workflow will then be responsible for de-queuing these tasks in order to process them asynchronously.

This Node leverages the Azure Storage SDK and includes automatic retry.

See Also

Azure Dequeue
Flowgear Queue