File Watch

Fires when a file is created, modified or renamed in a monitored folder. Supports local filesystem and UNC paths.

The File Watch Node is not executable in Run From Cloud configuration and should instead be run from a DropPoint.

This Node is only available in the 2023 Refresh.

Revision History - Initial Release - Fixed exception: Poll interval too long



Type: Connection Input
Provides a Connection and a DropPoint to service the request


Type: String Input
The path to the folder or file which should be watched for changes.


Type: String Input
Only files matching the mask in the specified folder will be watched, the others will be ignored.
To watch changes in all files, set the Mask property to an empty string. To watch a specific file, set the Mask property to the file name. For example, to watch for changes in the file MyDoc.txt, set the Mask property to MyDoc.txt. You can also watch for changes in a certain type of file. For example, to watch for changes in any text files, set the Mask property to *.txt. Use of multiple masks such as *.txt|*.doc is not supported.


Type: Int32 Static
The duration in seconds which the system will wait between checking for changes to the specified file/folder.


Type: Int32 Input
Specifies to what extent sub-directories should be evaluated. If no input is supplied, defaults to 0, meaning that sub-directory contents is not evaluated. The directory path supplied to the node acts as level 0, and a sub-directory inside the supplied path would be considered level 1.
Note: This property does not apply when a Local/Network path is provided and the PollInterval is 0.


Type: Boolean Static
If True, the node will immediately return all files which match the criteria provided when the node is executed. If not, only changes made after the node is executed cause a change event to be recognized.


Type: String Output
Provides the path to a file which has changed, been created or been renamed.


The prefix provided as part of SourcePath determines the file type as follows:

  • [Drive]:\ local filesystem
  • \\ UNC path for network share


If you require specific credentials to gain access to a local file or UNC path, change the Windows Service account used by the DropPoint.

See Also

File Compressor
Flat File
File Read
File Write
File Delete
File Enumerate
File Copy
File Info
File Move