Get Key-Values

Queries the key-value store for the specified MatchGroup (and optionally MatchKey), returning a document containing all matches in JSON or XML form.

Revision History Initial Release Bug fix Added support to unpack the Value property if it is a valid document Performance improvements Performance improvements Performance improvements



Type: String Input
Specifies the earliest date at which a key-value pair should have been set in order to be included in the results. Provide either a fixed date in the form yyyy/mm/dd or a relative date in the form {years}/{months}/{days}. For example 0/0/-1 would search back 1 day.


Type: String Input
Specifies the latest date at which a key-value pair should have been set in order to be included in the results. Provide either a fixed date in the form yyyy/mm/dd or a relative date in the form {years}/{months}/{days}. For example 0/0/0 would search up until the present day.


Type: String Input
Provides the name of the group that should be matched on. For example invoices.


Type: String Input
An optional key to match on, if not supplied, all keys under the specified MatchGroup will be returned.


Type: List Input
Indicates the status to match. If set to Any , key-value pairs of any status will be returned.


Type: List Input
Indicates how the results should be aggregated.

List - All the results will be returned
CountByValue - The results will be grouped by Value, and the number of results for that Value
CountByStatus - The results will be grouped by Status, and the number of results for that Status
ListUnpacked- This will attempt to unpack the value into the response. This is helpful to build reports without having to un-escape properties.


Type: List Input
Indicates how the results should be returned.

Json - specifies that a JSON document should be returned
Xml - specifies that an XML document should be returned


Type: Multiline Text Output
Returns the matched key-value pairs as a document.


Key-Value pairs provide a fast technique for permanently creating associations between equivalent records in a source and a target app or service.

Example scenario:

  • A workflow retrieves an order placed in an e-commerce platform (order 232 )
  • The order is integrated into an accounting system. On completion, the accounting system generates it's own order number ORD00412
  • Use the Set Key-Value Node to associate Key 232 with Value ORD00412
  • If a change is made to the order in the e-commerce platform and that change needs to be integrated into the accounting system, use the Get Key-Value Node to determine the correlating order ID when the update is made to the accounting system


See Sample Workflow for examples.

See Also

Get Key-Value
Set Key-Value
Set Key-Values