Odin Business Complete

The Odin Business Complete Node can be used to commit or roll back a transaction created by the Odin Business Execute Node.



Type: Connection Input
The Connection for Odin Business Execute and Odin Business Complete should be the same.

Server - Host name or IP address of a server where OA Billing Application is installed
Type: String

Port - xmlrpcd port number listened by OA Billing Core server, by default it is 5224
Type: Int32

Username - Username to log in to the control panel
Type: String

Password - Password to log in to the control panel
Type: Password

UseSsl - True if service is set up with encryption
Type: Boolean


Type: List Input

CommitTransaction – the method requests OA Billing to commit changes made by executed methods under particular transaction. The method requires transaction ID
RollbackTransaction – the method requests OA Billing to roll back changes made by executed methods under particular transaction. The method requires transaction ID


Type: String Input
The Transaction ID to be committed or rolled back


Type: Xml Output
The ResultXml return the status of the transaction.


Using Transactions

OA Billing uses transaction mechanism to process requests. It works the following way: if request is processed successfully, made changes are committed; otherwise, made changes are rolled back.

XMLRPC supports transaction flow. If you do not specify a transaction ID in a method a Odin Business Execute request, OA Billing creates new transaction, processes the request commits (or rolls back changes made by this request and closes the transaction. This behavior can be changed by switching off automatic commit for a particular request. The AutoCommitTx on the Odin Business Execute Node is set to False to prevent immediate commit.

OA Billing creates new transaction, processes the request, stores made changes and returns ID of created transaction. The transaction ID being included into a request prevents creation of new transaction and joins request processing to previously started transaction instead.

When the AutoCommitTx on the Odin Business Execute Node is set to False, the transaction originator must explicitly commit/rollback the transaction received from the Odin Business Execute Node in the response to the request Execute. If that did not happen, the transaction will be left in the system, locking further requests to the object, which may lead to problems with control panel and general PBA functionality.

See Also

Odin Automation Premium 7.0 Portal
Odin Business Execute
Odin Operations Execute