Query Statistic

Query Statistic returns a set of statistics matching the specified criteria in either list or aggregate form.

Warning: This Node is replaced by Get Key-Values.



Type: String Input
The earliest date for which statistics should be retrieved. The date is represented as a string formatted as yyyy/MM/dd. In addition to absolute dates, relative dates are also supported. For example, the expression0/0/-1 will search back one day.


Type: String Input
The latest date for which statistics should be retrieved. The date is represented as a string formatted as yyyy/MM/dd. In addition to absolute dates, relative dates are also supported. For example, the expression0/0/-1 will search back one day.


Type: String Input
The Group within which to search for statistics. This is the value of the Group property specified when creating statistics with the Statistic or Bulk Statistic Nodes.


Type: String Input
An optional value that can be used to locate a single statistic by it's Key. If left blank, all results will be returned for the date range.


Type: List Input

Unknown - Only Unknown results will be returned
InProgress - Only InProgress results will be returned
Warning - Only Warning results will be returned
Error - Only Error results will be returned
Success - Only Success results will be returned
Any - All results will be returned

Note that the ID is returned in the Result, and must be mapped with the IDs above.


Type: List Input

List - All the results will be returned
CountByValue - The results will be grouped by Value, and the number of results for that Value
CountByStatus - The results will be grouped by Status, and the number of results for that Status


Type: Xml Output
The results will be returned in Xml format. The format depends on the Method used.


  • The ID of the Status fields will be returned in the result, and can be mapped with the IDs as indicated in the Match Status.
  • The DateTime is based on the local time of the Pod the site is running in. Refer to the the Pod article for the time offset of the Pods.


See https://flowgear.me/s/usXTA5U for examples.

See Also

Bulk Statistic