
The Statistic node is used to store data against a key. This is most commonly used to track an object like a sales order. Different groups can be used, each group isolated from each other. When a stat is logged, it is logged in the Group specified, against the Key, and the Value, Status and time will be captured. The Query Statistic node can be used to retrieve stats over a time period.

Warning: This Node is replaced by Set Key-Value



Type: String Input
The Group is the unique identifier for a set of objects.


Type: String Input
The Key is the unique identifier for an object. The maximum length is 50 characters.


Type: String Input
The Value is used to store information on the stat. The Value can be used in a Group By in the Query Statistic


Type: List Input
The Status can be used to track an object. Reports can be pulled on the count of statuses.

Unknown - 0
InProgress - 1
Warning - 2
Error - 3
Success - 4


In Progress Pattern

Statistics are used to track status of a transaction such as a sales order or customer sync.

A Statistic is typically executed when processing of a transaction is about to begin. The Key Property would be set to the ID of the transaction (e.g. a sales order number) and the Status Property would be set to InProgress. Once processing has completed, a second Statistic Node would be called to update the Status Property to either Success or Error .

A separate Workflow can then be created that uses Query Statistic to retrieve statistics for a particular transaction type (i.e. filtered by Group ) over a particular date range.


  • When a statistic with the same Group and Key already exists, it will be overwritten. No historical statistics are kept.

  • The maximum length for the Key is 50 characters.


See for an example.

See Also

Bulk Statistic
Query Statistic