
The Start Node has no execution behavior but is used to define the first step in a Workflow. Connect the first Node you want to execute to the Start or Run Now Execution Flow Connectors

Execution Outputs


Default output to connect to for tasks. If this is an Always On Workflow, this output should always connect in to a Trigger Node.

Run Now

The output to provide for on-demand execution if both Run Now and Always On are supported. Don't connect a Trigger Node to this Output.

Any Error

Fires whenever a Node raises an error and the error is not handled directly on the Node. See Error Handling for more information.

All Errors

Fires whenever a Node raises an error regardless of whether the Node has a directly-attached error handler. See Error Handling for more information.


Last Error Info

Type: String
Provides a description of the last error to have occurred.


Flowgear Workflows support both Run Now and Always On execution modes. Run Now allows for on-demand use by a user or API call while Always On allows for Workflows that contain Triggers and execute continuously. Implementers specify which of these options should be available by configuring them from the Workflow Design Settings Pane.

Supporting Always On and Run Now

See Sample Workflow for an example of this pattern.

Error Outputs

For further information about error handling behavior, see Error Handling.