Trigger Node Type

Triggers block until a condition (such as a time interval, change in filesystem or arrival of email in a mailbox) is met. When the condition is met, the Node exits, causing the Node that is linked to its Execution Output to fire.

Once all downstream Nodes have executed, control is returned to the trigger Node where it again awaits the condition to be met.

Don't connect the last step of your Workflow back to the trigger Node. Flowgear will automatically return control back to the trigger Node and in fact, connecting it in this way can cause a loop that never exits.

A Workflow that is activated in Always On mode should contain a trigger. If it does not, execution will terminate when all steps in the Workflow have been processed.

Flowgear periodically evaluates whether all Always On Workflows are running and restarts any stopped Always On Workflows.

Although it is possible to configure trigger Nodes to run at a DropPoint, this is not recommended and you should always configured triggers to run In Cloud.

Configure a Workflow for Always On

  • Ensure the Workflow starts with a trigger Node connected to the Start Property of the Start Node.
  • In the Workflow Design Settings Pane, toggle on Allow Always On.
  • In the Workflow Run Now Pane, toggle on the Workflow against the Environment you would like to enable it for.


See Sample Workflow for an example of how to implement triggers.