Site Environment

An Environment (also called a Site Environment and previously known as a Connection Profile), is a slot that is used to specify a set of Connection information.

When Release Management is enabled, the Environment also determines which Workflow revision will be executed.

By default, Flowgear Sites have two Environments - Test and Production*.*You can manage the list of Site Environments from the Site Detail Pane.

From the Connections Pane in the Console, users can specify separate endpoints and credentials per Environment. When a Workflow is executed, the connection details that are used are determined by the Site Environment under which the Workflow is executing.

Environments enable separate sets of Connections to be used depending on whether a Workflow is being used in Production or is still being built. For example, when running under the Test Environment, the Workflow may connect to a test SQL server and database while a separate Production SQL server and database are defined for the Production Environment.

How Flowgear determines which Site Environment to Use

  • In the Design view, the Site Environment shown on the Run button is used
  • When a Workflow is executed from the Run Now Pane, the Site Environment saved on the Workflow under the Workflow Design Settings Pane is used.
  • When a Workflow is enabled for Always On by clicking the Turn On button in the Workflow Landing Pane
  • When a Workflow is invoked via API, it will execute using the Production Site Environment by default. You can override the Site Environment by passing the querystring parameter _profile . For example
  • To read which Site Environment is used in a Workflow, the FgProfile property on the variable bar can be used.