Site Detail Pane

The Site Detail Pane is accessed by selecting a Site in the Sites Pane list, and then clicking Edit.


Indicates a name for the Site. For enterprise Sites, this usually contains the company name. There is no naming convention on the Site name and it does not need to be unique within a subscription or within Flowgear.


Informational field used to describe the purpose of the Site.

Time Zone

Start and end times for time-based schedulers are relative to this time zone. It may take up to five minutes for a Time Zone change to take effect.

Note that this setting does not affect the time zone in the Workflow Logs Pane - Workflow Log time is always presented based on the users current browser time zone.

See also Day Scheduler, Week Scheduler and Month Scheduler.

Site Key

Indicates the unique identifier for the Site.


The list of Site Environments that have been configured for the Site.

Each Environment includes the following properties:

  • Rank governs the order of Environments. The Environment with Rank 1 is always the default Environment. To change the Rank of an Environment, use the Up and Down arrow buttons to the right of the Environment Name. Note that the Rank of the first and last Environment cannot be changed.
  • Name provides the display name for the Environment
  • Version Control Branch Name specifies the name of the branch in the version control system that correlates to the Environment. This property is ignored when Version Control Mode is set to Basic
  • Hostname provides the custom domain is bound to the Site Environment (see below)
  • 'Allowed Origins' specifies the list of origins that are considered valid for cross-origin requests (see below)

About Hostname

This is unique Hostname that forms part of the URL for API invokes of Workflows to the Site. See Binding a Vanity Domain for more information.

For Enterprise customers, the Production Environment Hostname can be any domain and a corresponding TLS certificate will need to be supplied to Flowgear. For all other customers, a Production Environment including a custom subdomain can be chosen, for example

In both cases, a service ticket should be logged to request DNS and other configuration changes.

For non-Production Environments, the Hostname is, for example

About Allowed Origins

Where API calls are made to Flowgear within client-side script in a browser, the browser will issue a Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) request. This is a security mechanism that prevents unauthorized websites from making cross-domain calls, see for further information.

If you will be invoking the Flowgear API in client-side script, the Allowed Origins textbox should contain a list of hosts that will be permitted to execute Workflows for the Site.

Each host should be placed on a separate line and asterisk (*) is supported as a wildcard character (eg. *

Version Control

The Version Control Mode property specifies whether Basic or Github version control is in use.

Under Basic, Workflow designs are stored within your Flowgear storage account.

Under Github, Workflows are saved to the repository specified under the Repository URL property. In this mode, you'll also need to generate a Personal Access Token in Github. See Setting up a Version Control Token for more information.

Promotion Mode controls how saves to a Workflow are propagated to different Environments.

Under None, a Workflow is published to all Environments as soon as it is saved.

Under Commit, when a Workflow is saved, it is only published to the first Environment (usually a Dev or Test Environment). Afterwards, the Workflow can be promoted into consecutive Environments. When Version Control Mode is set to Github, a commit action is performed on the repository to promote changes from one Environment (i.e. Github branch) to another).

See Release Management for more information.